As CEO of Women of Color in STEM and Career Communications Group (CCG), I want to be unequivocal:
We are not backing away from our core mission of ensuring full access to opportunity for everyone.
After listening to members of the CCG family—especially Jean—it is clear that our commitment to Women of Color in STEM remains as strong as ever.
Let me be clear: Women are not a DEI issue. I reject any framing that suggests women need permission to be included in STEM fields.
The reality is that women have always been qualified, but opportunities have not always been equally available.
This is not about lowering standards but removing artificial barriers that have historically restricted access.
My stance is simple:
Open all doors. No qualified individual should be denied the chance to compete.
Ensure that standards fit the job. If the success criteria do not match the actual work, we are not assessing talent fairly.
Let the best compete. Limiting access for women—or any historically excluded group—does not create a meritocracy; it undermines one.
The real issue is not whether women are capable but whether the system allows all talent to rise. We must design a landscape where the best ideas and the most capable individuals—regardless of gender—can drive innovation forward.
This is not a shift in direction. This is who we are. This is our mission. And we are not backing down.
Tyrone Taborn, CEO, Women of Color in STEM & Career Communications Group