Delia Grenville, a research scientist and technology strategist at Intel Corporation, was honored as the Technologist of the Year at the 20th annual Women of Color STEM Conference.

Grenville is the inventor of digital content technologies. Her innovations allow consumers to filter content streaming to their televisions via the Internet and provide the ecosystem to advertise and enhance the content viewing experience.
As a lead human factors engineer in Intel's Digital Home User Experience Group, she was responsible for usage and experience definition for consumer electronics products.
She also pioneered a number of programs for consumer electronic projects and is a member of several teams where her role is to foster innovation in the consumer experience.
Before joining Intel, she was a senior research scientist at Oracle working on small device interfaces and geospatial visualization.
Grenville has served as a program chair and reviewer for the Human Factors Engineering Society. She earned master's and Ph.D. degrees in industrial and systems engineering from Virginia Tech, where she specialized in human factors engineering and management systems engineering. Her undergraduate degree is in mechanical engineering from Queens University in Kingston, Ontario.
Grenville is also co-founder of an organization that seeks to steer professional women into executive and leadership positions. The "Got Strategy" workshop she co-created assists junior and mid-level professionals in setting and executing a career strategy.