High school students from around the world are taking part in the Honeywell Leadership Challenge Academy.
The unique leadership program will run over two consecutive week-long programs from February 24 to March 9, 2018, at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center (USSRC) in Huntsville, Ala.
HLCA uses interactive technology, science-oriented workshops, and team exercises to teach children of Honeywell employees between the ages of 16-18 leadership skills in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Activities are delivered in fun and innovative ways that bring STEM studies to life. The program is designed to build students' leadership skills and develop their capacities through hands-on challenges.
“Space Camp went far beyond my expectations last year,” Cecilia Reyes Esparza, a student and 2017 alumni from Mexico. “My favorite activities were the team building projects, like the shuttle mission simulation and the aviation challenge. The amount of teamwork needed to complete those missions successfully was eye-opening, and getting to try real astronaut and pilot training simulations was an experience that I’ll never forget.”
During the program, the students will meet scientists, engineers and former astronauts who will reinforce core leadership competencies and share their first-hand professional experiences. Students will engage in team-building challenges such as designing, building and testing their own rockets; participating in simulated astronaut training, shuttle missions and a moonwalk.
“After participating in the Academy last year, I’m now confident that I want to pursue a career in science,” said Cassandra Corraya, a student from Minnesota, Minn., ambassador at this year’s Academy and alumni of the program. “The Academy not only gave me the opportunity to learn more about coding and space, it also helped me meet new friends from around the world. I’m excited to be an ambassador this year to help share this amazing experience for other students like me.”
Since its launch in 2010, Honeywell, in partnership with the USSRC, has awarded nearly 1,450 scholarships to high school students. Scholarships are granted after a rigorous application and review process based on academic achievement and community involvement. Financial contributions from Honeywell employees help fund the scholarships, including tuition, meals, accommodations and program materials.
For more information about the Academy and the students attending this year, please contact Cecilia Tejeda(Honeywell), cecilia.tejeda@honeywell.com and Pat Ammons (USSRC), pat.ammons@spacecamp.com.