UC Santa Cruz announced on Twitter recently that Yuan Ping, an assistant professor of chemistry and biochemistry, has received a Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to support her work developing computational platforms to investigate the physics of new materials for quantum computers and other applications of quantum information science.
“Stable, scalable, and reliable quantum information science has the potential to transform and advance knowledge across a large number of critical fields through next-generation technologies for sensing, computing, modeling, and communicating,” Ping told UC Santa Cruz.
UC Santa Cruz also said the funding for this project includes support for education and outreach activities. These include strengthening undergraduate education in physical chemistry through a summer boot camp; developing computational materials research through new courses and undergraduate research programs; and supporting women and underrepresented groups through UCSC’s Women in Science and Engineering program.
According to the website, Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) at UC Santa Cruz aims to advance women in the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields both in percentage and position, in the face of historical, present, and future challenges. WiSE encourages its members to engage in mentorship, networking, and outreach, as well as seminars and discussions to further learning.