The annual Women of Color STEM Conference has announced a 365-day strategy—a first of its kind in the recruitment industry and convention industry.
Please join Tyrone D. Taborn, chairman and CEO of Career Communications Group, for the press conference on Wednesday, August 25, 2021, at Time: 2:00 pm EST
Click here to register for the webinar.
The Women of Color STEM conference will offer a new Digital Twin Experience for attendees this year, a product of Career Communication Group, located in downtown Baltimore, Maryland.
Thanks to heavy investment, strategic thinking, and feedback from past attendees, conference planners will make the three-day event live for an entire year.
Never has a conference in the physical, digital or hybrid environment promised to remain active for a whole year after the event's conclusion.
At most conferences, attendees can only access archived content for up to 30 days after an event. So, we are talking about maintaining the platform in real-time 24/7/365. This unheard-of plan will give attendees full access to most conference activities and award programs.
In another first of its kind, registered conference attendees will have unlimited access to new material, seminars, and events that will be added throughout the year on the conference platform. It's like an event that never ends. This will offer unparalleled professional training and value to both attendees and conference sponsors.
After the 2021 event ends, conference attendees will be able to access the Women of Color STEM platform for year-round seminars via STEM City USA's Convention Center.
To keep the uniqueness of the experience, only attendees registered for the original conference dates can access all areas at the 365 Women of Color STEM Digital Event.
WOC is able to achieve this remarkable milestone because of the investment in servers, unique software design, and the imagination of the first in their class team of professionals and social champions.
For more information on CCG, please visit WOC STEM DTX to herald a new beginning in conferences.