The Corporate Promotion of Education Award presented at Women of Color STEM conferences recognizes a program manager or staff member who demonstrates a commitment to enhancing opportunities by promoting scientific and technical education programs.

Each year, public and private sector organizations nominate outstanding employees who run successful workforce training and science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) outreach.
Award winners receive recognition for programs that have a measurable impact on schools, colleges, and universities; meet societal needs, increase the number of minorities in the STEM pipeline, and inspire groups traditionally underrepresented in STEM.
Molly Mo manages Ford’s Engineering Learning and Development team, which helps upskill/reskill Ford’s engineering workforce.
Mo and her team manage annual nomination-based university partnership programs that offer master’s degree programs to Ford engineers, and she focuses on selecting women and minorities for these partnerships.
She also sponsored women engineers in Udacity programs offering upskilling in artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and software development.
Her team’s STEM/STEAM outreach initiatives invest a $63 million corporate fund in educational initiatives, such as the Blue Oval STEM scholarships program, Ford’s High School Science and Technology Program, FIRST Robotics, and the World Solar Car Challenge.
In 2021, she connected the Detroit nonprofit Downtown Boxing Gym with fifteen academically outstanding secondary school students to provide them with after-school academic tutoring.
Briana Pompiluscreates standout educational platforms as executive advisor to Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Bruce Crawford, senior vice president of Jacobs.
She mentors college students in personal growth, professional etiquette, resume writing, and academics. Leveraging Jacobs's community outreach, she played a crucial role in donations of laptops to children during the COVID-19 pandemic, facilitating at-home learning.
As a project manager, Pompilus manages the stand-up of the Global Digital Center of Excellence, leading the enterprise-wide digital transformation for Jacobs.
Pompilus helped create academic scholarships for minority students majoring in STEM to attend historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs). She’s a Jacobs Global Future Talent Tier 1 school relationship manager for multiple universities.
Her numerous projects include coordinating Jacobs's participation in the BEYA STEM Conference and Women of Color STEM Conference; mentorship with the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), partnership with Girl Scouts (resulting in the creation of a Jacobs Girl Scouts patch), and a Quantum venture between HBCUs and Jacobs.